Sri Lanka is a developing country and its standard of living has to be raised for upgrading people’s level. The Sri Lankan Government has been trying to equate the low level of income people from the poverty line. The Government has introduced Samurdhi programs for poverty alleviation should essentially be a movement in which the potentialities of the people are developed and channeled into the main stream of the development process. The researcher has selected the heading that is Utilization of Samurdhi fund to progress of poverty alleviation in the Vavuniya district for the purpose of identifying the Vavuniya Development through the Samurdhi fund and services and identifying the important issues in their activities. The amount of fund allocations are not enough compared to the requirements of financial needs to alleviate poverty of all the poor people below the poverty line. For tis research, the researcher considers the following, Samurdhi subsidy program, Agriculture development and Husbandries social welfare programs and bankn services are concepts of independent variable such as utilization of Samurdhi fund. Through this concept, researcher has identified programs for poverty alleviation. The variable is beneficiary’s satisfaction. Through the observation of the Vavuniya poor people and collect information regarding the standard of living and their income level Selection progress, benefit of Samurdhi program real situation of poor people in village level.as well as urban levels. Researcher has used to SPSS package to analyse the data. From the data the researcher has identified the following. The Samurdhi food stamps contribution to alleviate the poverty is at moderate (0.429) level Agriculture development project has less contributed to the programs (0.129) of poverty alleviation. Welfare programs and the Samurdhi banking Services contributed at moderate (0.439) level to alleviate the poverty.