Sri Lanka is a multi-cultural nation in the world. People follow different religion and culture. And they are speaking different Languages. So, there is a “Cultural Diversity” in Sri Lanka. The country faced so many tragedies because of the ethnical and cultural conflicts. Diversity is about “Otherness”. Understanding, accepting and respecting other people. So cultural diversity means the same theory, understanding, accepting and respecting other’s cultures. The researchers have selected the Trincomalee campus’ 1st-year students for the data collection. Because in that Campus students are from multi-cultural societies. And there are latent and manifest level conflicts regarding cultural diversity. The researchers surveyed 100 students from the 1st year students in 2 faculties and 1
Unit from the campus. The result is positive regarding the understanding of Diversity and Cultural Diversity. They are willing to interact with other cultures and respect them. But in history, there have been some issues because of the poor understanding of cultural diversity. So before entering to the university, students know the cultural diversity. After entering also, they interact with others. But at the theory level, they have an understanding of cultural diversity. But in practice, the understanding of cultural diversity and the level of social harmony is not observable. So, in 1st year they have an understanding and clear knowledge regarding Cultural diversity. But there is a lack in 2nd year and the final years. As suggested, the undergraduates need the practice and guidance for cultural diversity and social harmony from 1sr year to final in the Trincomalee Campus, Eastern University.