The aim of this study is to investigate the oil yield, the fatty acid composition and physicochemical characteristics (iodine value, acid value and refractive index) of oil extracted from head of Shortfin scad. Oil was extracted using a modified Bligh and Dyer method. Fatty acid composition was determined using gas chromatography mass spectrometry. Total oil content of head of shortfin scad was 5.85 g /100g. The composition of fatty acid showed that saturated fatty acid content 37.97 % was the highest, followed by
polyunsaturated fatty acids 35.14 % and monounsaturated fatty acids 13.41 %. Palmitic, Oleic, Linoleic, EPA and DHA acids were the major type of fatty acids observed in the head oil. Highest amount of omega-3 was accounted by 5.28 % of EPA and 15.78 % of DHA. Iodine value, Acid value and Refractive index of head oil were 139.17 I2 /100g, 18.50 mg KOH/g and 1.4732 at 40 °C, respectively