In today’s digital age, information is seen as essential for socio-economic development. It is indispensable for every human being to have the basic skills to acquire, evaluate, and use the information they need. To develop ...
Patrick Gerard, S.; Shanmugathasan, S.; Sathiaseelan, A.; Kalamany, T.(National Institute of Social Development, 2023-12)
This study compares science teaching and learning in English and Tamil as the medium of instructions for the secondary schools is implemented English as the medium of instruction from Grade six to G.C.E A/L classes in ...
Shanmugathasan, S.(South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, 2024-04-18)
Motivation refers to the forces within a person that affect his direction, control or explain the behaviour of human beings. Employees' job satisfaction is indispensable to perform their duties effectively. The main objective ...
Shanmugathasan, S.; Thirunavukkarasu, A.(Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2023-09-08)
The prime purpose of the current research is to explore the impact of training and development programs for University library professionals in Sri Lanka. The research adopted the quantitative research method, where the ...
The main objective of the study is to explore how the G.C.E Advanced Level Learning Resource Center is utilized by the students and to identify the challenges that the students face when utilizing the Learning Resource ...
The reading habit of children reduced due to the exponential development of a digital system. Then reading must be promoted the schools to improve the students’ ability in reading. Teacher-librarians manage the school ...
Kalaivani, S.; Shanmugathasan, S.(Library, University of Jaffna, 2022)
இன்றைய தகவல் யுகத்தில் பொதுநூலகங்களின் தேவைப்பாடு மற்றும் அவற்றின் சேவைகள் என்பன முக்கியமானவையாகும். பிரதேச அமைவுகளுக்கு ஏற்ப நூல கங்களின் விருத்தியும் சேவையின் வளர்ச்சியும் வேறுபட்டு வருகின்றன. பொது நூலகங்கள் கிராமிய ...
Nirainthini, K.; Shanmugathasan, S.(Library, University of Jaffna, 2022)
இன்று ஒவ்வொரு மனிதனும் தனக்குத் தேவையான தகவல்களைப் பெற்றுக் கொள்வதற்கும், அதனை மதிப்பீடு செய்வதற்கும், பயன்படுத்துவதற்குமான அடிப்படைத் திறன்களைக் கொண்டிருப்பது மிகவும் அவசியமாகும். இத்திறன்களை மாணவர்களிடையே வளர்த்துக்கொள்வதற்கு ...
Human resource management is really employee management with an emphasis on those employees as assets of the organization. The objective of this study is to find out the correlation between the human resource management ...
Shanmugathasan, S.; Thirunavukkarasu, A.(The Research Publication, 2022-06-01)
Human resources are the important assets of the organization to achieve its goals and objectives. To achieve overall operations, Human Resource Management Practices have become major role in the working ...
Jeebakaran, M.; Shanmugathasan, S.(National Institute of Library and Information Sciences, University of Colombo, 23-01-21)
The global information revolution has led to an explosion of information. This has led to the need to organize information and the ability to search and use appropriately. This situation created a need to improve the ...
Shanmugathasan, S.; Vivek, R.(International Journal of Advanced Research and Publications, 2019-03)
The report talks about the achievement of Blind recruitment in Sri Lankan context. Blind recruitment is the way toward expelling any recognizable proof subtleties from the hopefuls' resumes and applications. It causes ...
Employee job satisfaction is a key to success in business under present competitive environment. Most organizations strive for employee satisfaction, but not all attain this goal. This study is aimed at evaluating the ...
Public libraries are social entities of any community, thus, play significant roles in upgrading literacy of society. Especially, in remote zones of Northern Province of Sri
Lanka, where resources are scarce, public ...
Shanmugathasan, S.; Ramanan, T.(National Institute of Library and Information Sciences, University of Colombo, 21-11-14)
Itis believed that libraries contribute to societal democratization in developing countries. The verses in Public Library Manifesto published in 1947 by IFLA, which emphasize that human values are sustained in democratic ...
Shanmugathasan, S.; Kupeshan, R.(Eastern University of Sri Lanka, 10-08-18)
Reading habits determine the academic achievements of students to a great extent, the main objective of the study was to examine the reading habits of the students and to overcome the barriers of reading habits in the ...
Library professionals play an important role in universities. This study aims to investigate
whether motivational factors positively influence the attitude of the University Library Professionals and to identify the impact ...
Job satisfaction is a pleasurable or positive emotional reaction to a person’s job experiences. Public librarians are the key officials in the public libraries. The objective of this research study was to ascertain the ...
Information need and information seeking behavior are intertwined concepts. Information need is the motivation people think and feel to seek information, and information seeking behaviour is the process of information ...
Electronic resources which require computer access or any electronic product are materials in the digital format accessible electronically that delivers a collection of data.
The main objective of this study is to assess ...