Pecking Order and Static Trade-Off Models of Capital Structure: An Empirical Examination of Sri Lankan Listed Companies

Show simple item record Kalainathan, K. Kengatharan, L.N. 2025-03-09T06:28:19Z 2025-03-09T06:28:19Z 2022-03-31
dc.description.abstract This study examines the applicability of pecking order and static trade-off models of capital structure to Sri Lankan listed companies. Using data for 103 non-financial companies from 2007/08 to 2016/17, we test the two models employing the Generalized Method of Moment method. We find that the magnitude of the relation between the financing deficit and change in debt is very low, and firms finance only a small portion of their financing requirement through debt, providing weak support to the pecking order model. Although more profitable as well as larger firms prefer less debt inconsistent with the trade-off model, high-growth firms seem to use less debt consistent with the trade-off model, giving weak evidence to support the trade-off model as well. The pecking order model seems more applicable because listed companies consider external debt finance when meeting the financing deficit en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Sri Lanka Finance Association en_US
dc.subject Capital structure en_US
dc.subject Debt ratio en_US
dc.subject Pecking order model en_US
dc.subject Trade-off model en_US
dc.subject Sri Lanka en_US
dc.title Pecking Order and Static Trade-Off Models of Capital Structure: An Empirical Examination of Sri Lankan Listed Companies en_US
dc.type Journal article en_US
dc.identifier.journal Journal of Emerging Financial Markets and Policy en_US

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